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Foreign Correspondents

Foreign Correspondents

The important flipside of immigration in Switzerland

“Immi­grant.” What comes to your mind when you hear that word? Per­haps you think of “unfa­mil­iar,” or “dif­fer­ent.” In the media migra­tion is often con­no­tat­ed neg­a­tive­ly. A study by the School for Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Jour­nal­ism con­firms that TV por­tray­als of immi­grants are most­ly neg­a­tive and affect view­ers’ atti­tudes towards them. Immi­grants are assumed to be… weiterlesen

Foreign Correspondents

The Impact of the Pandemic on us and our Furry Friends

The time we all spent in lock­down was hard and many of us expe­ri­enced feel­ings of lone­li­ness. A lot of peo­ple felt that buy­ing a pet or sim­ply spend­ing more time with their pet was a good way to fight the pan­dem­ic blues.  At first glance, the trend of adopt­ing ani­mals seems a pos­i­tive side effect… weiterlesen

Foreign Correspondents

Poland holds out helping hand to Ukraine

Ukrain­ian refugees are flock­ing into Poland to seek shel­ter from the war. In inter­views with my Pol­ish rel­a­tives I learned that the Pol­ish pop­u­la­tion is extreme­ly wel­com­ing, even though there are some dif­fi­cul­ties. What do Poles do to help Ukraini­ans and how do they feel about the whole situation? Many peo­ple in Poland are dev­as­tat­ed… weiterlesen

Foreign Correspondents

Switzerland: The Land of Cheese and Chocolate? 

Why cheese and choco­late are more than just eco­nom­i­cal products…  “Oh, you’re from Switzer­land, isn’t that where all that great cheese and choco­late come from?”, (peo­ple ask)you’re asked when­ev­er you tell them you come from Switzer­land. I have been asked that ques­tion mul­ti­ple times when­ev­er I was trav­el­ling in hun­gary. These are not just clichés:… weiterlesen

Foreign Correspondents

Red Anecdotes

A lot of intrigue and mys­tery sur­round the Sovi­et Union, the infa­mous red giant that stretched from east­ern Europe to the Pacif­ic Ocean only about a mile from the Unit­ed States. Yet the West is slow­ly los­ing con­nec­tion to this lost world and what it does remem­ber usu­al­ly focus­es on the polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic aspects.… weiterlesen

Foreign Correspondents

Swiss German is not Standard German

If you speak some Ger­man and think you’ll be able to under­stand the locals when you vis­it Switzer­land – think again! Despite hav­ing a pop­u­la­tion small­er than that of New York, Switzer­land is a coun­try with four offi­cial lan­guages: French, Ital­ian, Romansh, and Ger­man. Iron­i­cal­ly, how­ev­er, the lan­guage used in every­day life by most Swiss is… weiterlesen

Foreign Correspondents

How has COVID-19 affected the young people in Switzerland and all around the world, and their mental health, and how have mental health professionals been dealing with it? 

Since March 2020, most of our lives have been dras­ti­cal­ly affect­ed by the world­wide pan­dem­ic. Switzer­land has already gone through two major lock­downs and dur­ing that peri­od there have been count­less changes in the rules and restric­tions con­cern­ing Covid. Strict pan­dem­ic pre­ven­tion mea­sures, the manda­to­ry clo­sure of schools and the sus­pen­sion of all nonessen­tial pro­duc­tions… weiterlesen

Foreign Correspondents

High price island Switzerland

Switzer­land is seen as one of the most expen­sive coun­tries in the world – espe­cial­ly by for­eign­ers who come to vis­it. Zurich and Gene­va are par­tic­u­lar­ly expen­sive, and they reg­u­lar­ly fea­ture in lists of the top 10 most expen­sive cities in the world. But why is Switzer­land so expen­sive? The short answer for that would be that… weiterlesen

Foreign Correspondents

Trendsetter Japan?

Japan. Sushi, Kimono, and Cher­ry Blos­soms. A coun­try so diverse in the places you can vis­it. You can go ski­ing in Hokai­do, vis­it the largest city in the world, Tokyo, or relax at the beach in Oki­nawa. For a lot of peo­ple, Japan is a place they want to vis­it once in their life­time. But… weiterlesen

Foreign Correspondents

Sympathetic glances aren’t enough

“Half of my friends self-harm or have a self-harm his­to­ry”, says a female stu­dent from my school, the Real­gym­na­si­um Zurich, Switzer­land.  This has become almost the “new nor­mal”, at least in my sur­round­ings, because so many peo­ple seem to know some­one strug­gling with self-harm in one form or another.  What exact­ly is self-harm­ing? Self-harm­ing, also… weiterlesen

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